Yep Yep, haf gotten a new phone: the Samsung F480 in Corel PInk :) A change from the normal black n dark coloured phones that I've had had. Of course, if it was in baby blue it would be have been much much beta!!! :P

In the past I used Dar's contract to buy my phone n he used my contract but coz he lost his phone (n it was getting cranky anyways), he used his contract to get himself a new phone instead whilst I "patiently" waited for my phone contract to reach its 21st mth bday. Having wanted a touch-screen phone for a while, I kinda decided to get the Omnia and thus called my svc provider somewhr in Aug to ask for the $200 voucher. However, I was rejected by them, even though I threatened to cancel my contract. (My temp staff then told me that it was not effective as my contract is still 3 months shy of 2 years so they are not "scared" of me). Instead they offered to waive the $100 charge as my contract was not up to 21 mths yet. Was q pissed but then decided to wait coz I haven't really decided if I really want the Omnia (also coz I was worried that it wasn't user-frenly) n also coz was gonna b bz w wedding preps then.
After some bugging fr Dar, (coz he needed to service his phone n wanted 2 borrow my phone) I decided to phone hunt again. The intial plan was to buy the Omnia w my contract & then i-phone w Dad's contract next year. But my fren told me that using the i-phone was like "WAH!!!" whras the Omnia was like "Oh ok lors" although Omnia had much more functions than i-phone. HOW? was soooooooooo confused!!! Then I chanced upon the F480 whilst browsing thru e newspapers one wkend n asked my colleagues abt it. Did a comparison n found that this was more ideal than Omnia as it supports chinese software whereas Omnia doesnt n I need it to text Dad. n Luckily for me, there was an online deal for this phone plus I cld get $200 off as I m on the Ulimate Plan. On top of that, I got a $50 for choosing the Corel Pink colour. WOO HOO!!! So all in all I spent like maybe $50 on the phone. haha :)))))
& thuough I got the phone abt 2 wks ago, haf only started to use it 2 days ago. Lent it to Dar to use n he found it q nice to use but I m still getting used to it. Me used to be a Nokia fan coz of the user-frenly functions and features; in recent years, have been using Sony Ericsson phones (after the first V unpleasant experience) the past 2 times n was used to their functions n features so m a little disappointed w the Samsung phone coz of the lacking of the following features:
1) I can't change the message tone (Oh I managed to fig this out hee hee)
2) There isnt a short-cut key to writing messages
3) I can't set cartoon pics as caller images
4) The navigation is not v good, I had to keep pressing "back" to get to the main menu whereas in SE phone i cld juz press hard on the return key
5) If there are 2 numbers 2 1 pax's name; e.g. Dar's hp n Dar's hm, it doesnt show whether he is calling fr the hp or hm so I gotta set as 2 contacts.
N for some strange reason, the software doesnt work (again!!! coz my SE software doesn't work also :() I thnk it is my USB port but the strangest thng is dat I can trsf files via "My Computer" but not via the software coz it keeps telling me "not connected". HAIZ! but oh well, thankfully can still trsf or else i will b damn pissed. but I q like e phone, q nice to use... juz gotta get used to it :)