Tuesday, June 27, 2006
HAPPEE 1 YEAR to me!!!
3 months there and I was posted permanently to my present North Bridge Branch. Have I learnt a lot? Well, learnt quite a bit about back office operations but still feel that there is much for me to learn; still a lot of things gota ask my colleagues for help or to ask various departments for help. What I really hate is customers always calling and asking about this & that, alamak there is the HOTLINE mah :PPPPPP (though I must admit it is pretty hard to call through... but then again we also don't have any special number to call me!! DUH!!)
But haiz... kinda feel like leaving liao, tired of facing silly customers and picking up nonsense calls but yet I am just toooooo comfy in my present branch, no form of motivation to leave... muz really decide what to do soon... :P
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Went to JJ's concert last nite and I must say that I pretty much enjoyed myself! He was good!!! :)) And we were pretty near the stage, well not all that near but not soooo far until he is just like a little ant and then I would have to concentrate more on the projector than on him, so well worth my $110. Havent been to concerts in eons... hmm... went to my 1st one by Jacky Cheung (tis e one he lost his voice then we had a make up of e concert... kewl!) when I was 15 & then the Take That one when I was in JC (& which I almost fainted coz we bought the standing tickets and I almost got crushed n suffocated haha!) then no more till this.
Pre-Concert had this famous dancing instructor from Taiwan (dun ask me wat's his name!!) teaching the audience some actions to be used during 1 of JJ's songs subsequently. It was q farnee but I didnt follow lah coz felt kinda stupid hee hee. Then before JJ came on stage, they showed this video clip like in the year 3006 and there was no music & this little kid happened to find this CD which brought him back to year 2006 and the kida kinda morphed into JJ. Ok... cant say I really understand what it mean but after that JJ came out on stage & the crowd like went wild!! Started off with 2 quick songs which showed his nifty dance steps before slowing down to 翅膀 from his 1st album. But e corny thing was, they literally showed this pair of wings on the screen and I soooo wanted to burst out laughing!!! :P
Didn't really enjoy his fast songs coz for 1, I am not too familiar with them and for another, somehow the music was way way way too loud during the fast songs thereby drowning out his voice. But I totally enjoyed when he sang the slower songs especially 1 of my fave 简简单单which I have as my ringtone *smiles* I recorded the song but somehow the effect not that good leh. Was thnking I shd have brought a recorder to tape up the whole concert man hee hee!!
He had 2 special guests, 金沙 who sad to say, can't sing & who incidentally is the Jean Yip gal wor... never knew that!! & 阿杜 whom JJ calls his 恩人 as he was the one who kinda intro JJ to the entertainment world when JJ first came out. What I didnt expect was the easy camaderie between the 2 of them; they r like pretty different leh but it is heartwarming to see local artistes standing by each other :)
There were also 2 special segments; 1 where he sang songs which he wrote for other pp and 2 where he sang songs by pp who has influenced him in his music whilst growing up. For the 1st session, he sang 4 songs, 2 of which I don't recognise, the other 2 being 当你 & 记得 which is 1 of my fave Ah Mei's songs!!! & he was v touched when the audience sang with him on these 2 songs!!! It was AMAZING!!! As for the 2nd segment, he sang 黑色幽默 by Jay Chou & 唯一 by Lee Hon which I was q surprised coz I thought he would sing songs by more "established" artistes like Jacky Cheung & not the new generation of singers... but I guess it is the R&B kinda music that attracted him lah. But the person that influenced him the most was Michael Jackson & he sang "Heal the World".
The concert ended with his encore rendition of 曹操,my current fave 只对你说 & 江南 fr his 2nd album. He actually broke dwn whilst singing 只对你说 then my friend was asking, why is he crying?? haha :PP
All in all, me thnks JJ is a v talented singer/songwriter. Like most of the songs that he has written save maybe for the fast ones but then again I am a sentimental gal @ heart hee hee. Hope he will continue to write & sing more nice songs for us to enjoy!!! :)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Dewdrop's Wedding Dinner
Aint's she pretty? & the hairstylist did her hair up in like buns with little white ribbons pinned on... v v sweet & elegant. Here's one taken before we went in:
The videographer did a really good montage of the customary on 11th; he knew what he wanted us to say so that everything would blend in nicely. Hope I will get to see the whole thing though hee hee!! & the couple engaged this photographer who would take pics n on the spot give u the pics in nice little cards!! Way kewl!! So of course we went around asking him to help us take pics haha!! He took 1 of me when I was giving a speech on behalf of the Jie Meis. My mouth was open wor!!! I realised that I might have talked too fast but it was a gd experience lah!! hee hee!! Here's one of the table with the couple:
This was a dinner I really enjoyed, in part coz I get to meet up w my ex colleagues fr PA & we had a great time catching up but mostly coz it is the marriage of a dear dear fren of mine and I felt involved in the whole wedding thingy. Congrats again!!!
Dewdrop: U know, actually there was very many other things I wanted to mention in my speech but it wouldn't have flowed!! haha!!! Anyways the jist of it was there lah... :)) Hope u & Ken 恩恩爱爱foreva!! :)
Monday, June 12, 2006
To Give or Not to Give
On my way to work last Fri, I was walking towards my office @ Bras Basah Complex when I was kinda approached by this monk (oh well he was dressed in robes) who gave me this card with a pic of the Goddess of Mercy on it. I say "kinda" coz he appeared to come out of nowhere (i thnk he was behind a pillar) and just passed me the card. Caught unaware and thinking it was harmless, I took the card. He then pulled out this piece of paper which was a sort of donation card, where pp wrote their name, what they wish for and an amount of money was written down. I was quite shocked when I saw the paper as the amounts written were not small!! The lowest being $50 and the highest was a couple of hundred dollars. So anyway I wrote my name and he did a little prayer for me and then the monk asked me for a donation. I took out my wallet and gave him $10, BUT he, on seeing that I have a $50 note in my wallet asked me to donate more citing that other pp donated like $100 plus. When I said that I didn't have enough money, I noticed that he kept eyeing my $50 and proceeded to tell me that the lowest donation was $50!! I insisted that I didnt have enough money and he was still v persistant... asking me to donate $30 instead. When I again told him I have no money, he just took my $10 and left. I was like stunned!!!! Are monks supposed to solicit for funds in the first place?? Even so, he is not supposed to dictate how much I should donate isnt it?? Like what Dar said when I told him, all donations should be 随意 mah.
I have nothing against religious organisations soliciting for funds, but these kinda black sheep will only create a bad impression for other people; that is, IF he is a genuine monk in the first place. I am thnking that he just writes in the amounts himself so as to make others feel bad by donating so little; in the end when he walked off, I didn't even have the chance to write down the figure. I am now afraid that, he will say bad chants to me as he have my name... How now brown cow??
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Dedicated... to DewDrop...
Reached her house @ ard 740am in the am after buying ice for 1 of our haggling games. Also (thankfully... being the scatterbrain that I am) remembered to buy/bring the sour plums bought for the 酸,甜,苦,辣 'segment'. She was already nicely dressed & made up when we reached... so pretty!! We went about getting ready for the games and also took many pics w the lovely lovely bride. As expected, she was v excited and nervous about the whole thing and I told her that she would have to try to control her tears later or her makeup will run heh!!
So anyways, the guys reached about 9am (i thnk!) after having breakfast wor!! And her hubby was made to shout up from the carpark that he loved her. We made him do it like 3 times, by which many people fr the neighbouring blocks were looking out of the window!! But haggling didn't go quite well leh... our 1st red packet only had $8.88 wor!! Alamak!! Not even enough to buy breakfast??? :PPPPP Anyhow, we did have loads of fun before finally opening the door for the groom :) Then it was the tea ceremony & more tea ceremony (& food!!) before we went back to the couple's house for a final run through for the dinner next Fri.
Was tired after the long day but felt really happy for DewDrop. She is a very sweet, responsible and patient gal whom friends can definitely count on. Have known her for almost 5 years now; had our share of gripes, grievances & gossip about our colleagues and pp from our Division; had our share of working together on divisional projects that only brought us closer; had our share of many sushi meals with our cohort mates; had our share of icqing during work to kill our bordedom; had our share of seeking each other for help for constituency projects and the list is endless. Through it all, I have no complaints about this gal; she just takes everything in her stride and looks at everything in a positive light. She is 1 of the people that I am blessed to have known in PA and though we are in different organisations now (conincidentally, our offices r q near each other...) I know this friendship will remain for a long long time to come. Happy for her that she will be embarking on a new journey of life together with someone who treasures and loves her and whom I can tell will look after her well... Congrats my friend!! Have a blissful marriage and hope to hear little feet running around your house soon!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
My Piggies
Here's 猪头 with little twin brothers 猪仔 & 猪仔仔. That's e "ee ee" 猪仔 on the left...

& Here they are after their bath!!! SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER PINK HOR??? 猪仔 & 猪仔仔 look alike again!! (oh well almost lah... 猪仔仔 is fatter heh!)

Close up of my most beloved 猪仔... so clean now hor... as compared to the 1st pic :) I love my piggies!!!! Especially the BIGGGESSSTT one of them all heh heh! *grinz*
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Lost... & Found
Lost my pink scrungy the other day when we went M'sia... I thought I dropped it in Dar's car but can't find it @ all!! Then ystd I dropped my new good light blue scrungy. So pissed w myself coz those were the 2 good scrungies that I have... now I am left w my dirty blue scrungy which is loose and I cant tie my hair properly with it! Where can I find nice cheap scrungys??
2) Chain
Went for facial ystd & had to take off my chain. Being lazee... I didnt bother to put the chain into my many pouches but instead just dropped it into my bag. Whilst @ Parkway after facial, decided to put on the chain but again, couldn't find it in my bag @ all!! So I had to walk back to the shop but it wasn't on the ledge where I put my bag. Was feeling q upset for being careless when the gal called me back!! The chain was on the chair!!! YIPEEE!! :))
3) Wallet
A distressed Dar called me ystd (like a total of 8 times before I finally picked up the phone haha!) coz he lost his wallet!! He was tryin to recall if he left @ my hse but I was pretty sure he didn't. He went back to office to search but couldnt find it even after tracing his steps. That put him in a really grouchy mood! Went to report loss of IC but was told to wait a few days and see if anyone returns the wallet. Personally I thought no one would return it or if anyone intended to, they would have called him coz his namecard was inside his wallet. Asked him to check w the reception this morning n guess what? Received a text fr him this afternoon that said "Babee, I found my wallet!! The coffee shop uncle kept it!" Can really feel his happiness man!! haha!! Apparently he left it on the table after buying his drinks ystd... & uncle didnt call him coz they didn't wana open the wallet heh!! Anyways teach him a lesson coz he's always carrying his stuff in his hands n placing them like everywhr! :PP
4) Job
Brother Bear is gona lose his job... as he has found a new job!! Mighty Mighty happy for him! Have always thought he was deemed for better stuff than his present job. Hope all the other pp in my cohort, esp MangoJo & Pearl Jie will also leave for greener pastures soon!
(N.B: Da Xiong: there I mentioned u... satisfied? :PP)
5) Piggies gone a bathing
I have been having rashes the past few wks/months... which got really bad 1 day I had to go see Dr and take MC. The Dr say I am allergic to dust and suggested that I move out of my hse!! I mean... DUH!! like she wana buy a new apartment for me?!?! Anyways... Daddy & Dar attributed my allergy to all the dust trapped in my stuff toys so I was forced to wash them. I dunno what my maid used but my piggies came out like new!! Ok 猪头 & 猪仔仔 were not very dirty to begin with so u cant really tell the difference but 猪仔 came out much pinkier & somewhat fatter!!! Thus I have lost my "ee4-ee4" (translate dirty) 猪仔& found a fatter & pinkier one & he has also lost his smell; now smell like detergent wor :(( Give me back my "ee-ee" 猪仔!!!
(P.S. wanted to post the pics so u all can tell the diff but 4 some strange reason the pics dun come out... can someone enlighten me pls?? :P)
Oh and I can buy new hp in a couple of days time... any suggestions???
As I mentioned in my earlier post; have been getting bad vibes abt my boss of late. Seriously wonder if she is undergoin menopause or something as she had been rather grouchy and it makes the whole atmosphere in the office so tense!! Yeah I may b a "complain queen" but most of my colleagues feel the same way too, so the prob cant lie w me rites? :PP
Actually she used to dote on me q a bit until... hmm... can't really recall when. Think partly due to this Service Quality Intiative which I had to do for the branch (& which I never really follow up) and this rather grave mistake I made (which wasn't entirely my fault). For the SQI, I had to design the survey form for my tellers for them to give customers so as to track certain key indicators. Of course, my tellers are all too "shy" to give customers so I thnk she is q pissed that I am not really making an effort and there would be a meeting w her boss soon to give an update on the project and so she is worried that our project will seem lousy in front of others. In any case, being a marketing student, I think I shall "smoke" my way through haha! What made ME kinda pissed was that intially she was like, "Oh if she wants to continue, then you can just use the same thing but use other indicators...", then now she is like, "I told you already it won't work...they are not proactive enough to give the forms to customers..." DUH!! As for the 2nd case, to cut the long story short, I "hopped" this case (cx wanted to withdraw FD and merge w another FD) from the ex-BM and didnt proceed to check properly so the FD got rolled over and to withdraw it there will be a cost which had to be approved by someone else who incidentally didnt really wana waive off the charge. But anyway, she kept saying that i was v stupid to hop on the case n blah... to me, she wasn't really solving the prob and like what the present BM said, now wasn't the time to pinpoint the blame on anyone!! So I guess she was pissed that she had to settle the case. Thing is, I am not saying it is not my fault and from this, I will learn to be more cautious next time, but why must she keep saying I am stupid/gong?? I mean everyone make mistakes mah! :(
Then there's v v v little teamwork in the office and it shows! Overiding of txns being another issue, but for other matters, why must things be segregated so clearly as to who should do what? (But I must admit, I always tend to conveniently ignore faxes haha :PP) I mean, if everyone help out everyone else, everyone gets to finish earlier then we can all go back earlier isnt it? Just a couple of days ago, my boss asked 1 of my tellers why her vouchers havent been checked for the whole day by the other officer who is "in charge of" that particular teller that day. Well, as officers we each have our own duties and jobscope and sometimes it is just v diff to find time to check vouchers if, that particular day there are many overidding txns or many phonecalls or nasty customers or diff cases for that matter. Also, some of my tellers are "scared" to ask my boss out for overidding such that they are willing to walk all the way to the other side to ask the other officer to come out for overidding. Officer may get pissed coz the teller is not under her jurisdiction and teller will get pissed coz officer will ask why ask her to overide!! So it becomes a cycle!!! Actually I do tell my tellers to ask my boss to overide coz it is like so "far away" n like i said we have our own stuff to do mah. So I also dunno how to solve this prob haha!
So yeah, have kinda lost favour w my boss... but she will be on leave next week and the whole atmostphere in office will be much lighter! YIPEEE!! There's really a 180 degree change in office attitudes n feelings when she is not around; everyone tends to be more relaxed and jovial... the kinda working environment i wana be in :)) So it'll be a happy 1 week (coz there's relief officer some more so I can zuo bo haha!) before my cash officer goes on 1.5 wk leave n that will be a TOTALLY miserable time!! SOOOO not lookin forward to it!!!