Over @ Philip Island, there was some car display show or something & the whole street was lined up w cars!!! (This is only a small stretch) There were als
o cars which have undergone modific

Hmm... those were the cars we DIDN'T get to sit on... how about some cars that our butts actually touched?!! Coz we had such a huge group going to the 12 Apostles, Uncle thought of renting a big van to seat everyone. We were q lucky as the van was only booked a couple of days before the long Easter Wkend (in Aussie, they get Mon off 2!!! Lucky peeps!) & the guy said it was the last one left
That's the 12-seater Van Uncle rented from Budget... & dat's us on the rite!!! Uncle was in the driver's seat & Jaz was the one taking the pic which is why both of them are not in the pic. Van looks q big rites, but the seats are actually q small 4 my big butt haha.
4 our own "getaway" to Torquay, we intially booked for a small 1.3l manual Hyundai Getz which would have costs us about AUD50+ per day. Look what we got instead:

Tis Humongous 8-seater MPV for the same price!!! How good is that!!! Dar thinks it may be coz they don't have a Getz @ the branch we went to rent, so rather then drive the car down from another branch, they gave us whatever that had not been rented out. Which was kewl coz Dar intended to buy a surfboard & had actually requested for a car with the racks on top. The car (dun ask me what model, juz know it is a Kia & Dar sez it is not out in Singapore yet) was v nice 2 drive but drank a lot of petrol but the comfort was worth it :) More on Torquay in another posting...
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