Sunday, May 27, 2007

Melbourne - Torquay

My long overdue post of the last post of my Melbourne trip... so fast... it's been 6 weeks since we came back and I'm still thinking about the 2 weeks that were spend there... :)
I find Torquay a sleepy little town; it is off the Great Ocean Road and I guess most pp may not specifically drive into Torquay. Unlike the the other towns we passed along the way, there weren't so many roadside cafes/parks or as many people. They had something like a town centre and a lot of the houses we saw there were on sale. We actually planned for a day trip to Torquay; leaving early in the morning and coming back to Melbourne @ nite, but decided on an overnite stay instead so that we dun hafta rush and also so that we can have sometime to ourselves hee :) Dar's uncle actually stopped us by Bells Beach on our way to Great Ocean Road as the surf competition was on and Dar wanted to take a look, but we had to pay to get in and as we didn't wana hold everyone up, we just kinda watched from the side. A pic of us @ Bells Beach... nice! Maybe we can go back to try surfing one day heh!
Dar booked the car to be picked up @ about 1pm so we had some time in the morning, so Dar suggested we go cycling. Gosh, I haven't cycled in like a million years & the last time I was on a bike in Uni, I was screaming and everyone was like looking @ me!!! But I fig I needed some excercise after having eaten sooo much so after getting our gear and pumping air into the bicycles we set off. Jaz told Dar the route we could take to a little creek near the house. She also told us that we should cycle on the roads instead of the pavements as some pedestrains may not like us cycling on the pavement. Imagine having to cycle on the road & having to cycle upslope/downslope... scary man!!! Dar found took some shots of me...

The helmet's v ugly hor... but no choice gota wear it!! It was actually q warm & I got kinda tired and kept complaining to Dar and he found it rather amusing coz he has never seen me cycled before and I was wobbling intially! (Dar used to cycle a lot when he was in his teens... he told me how they will always gather over the wkends n cycle from places to places till they "graduated" to motocycles).

After the "morning exercise", it was off to Torquay in our nice big car! Reached there around 2pm, and it was immediately to the surf shops. It was q disappointing intially coz firstly, there weren't much sales and those stuff that I did like didn't have my sizes; they were like 2 sizes too big for me, how disappointing :( But then we spotted this factory outlet of sorts and went in, but didn't find anything but the Rip Curl factory outlet beside it awaited us! Bought lotsa stuff fr there; me bought 2 bikinis (cheap @ $20 each!), a pair of yellow board shorts & some stuff for my kids, whilst Dar bought like 5-6 shirts, a bag and dunno what else. We also bought some slippers from Reef @ $10 each. Actually I don't really need slippers but cldn't resist a pink one to match my new pink bikini haha!! By the time we finished, we were q hungry and decided to grab a quick bite @ Mc's nearby before driving to town to seek for accomodation. Who knows, by the time we filled out stomach and drove to town, it was already dark and we couldn't find the B&Bs! We were like driving around and there were no signs (we were expecting to see brite colourful signs like hotels/motels but these B&Bs only had a small tag outside the house and being dark we cldn't see it @ all!!!) and we were getting worried about having to sleep in the car! When we finally found the B&B we were looking for, we were told that they were fully booked for the nite!! Alamak!!! Luckily we managed to find another one which was slightly a bit more expensive. Whew!!! Then it was dinner @ Growlers, can I say again that the food there was fantastic??? :P Pic of sleepy @ Growlers:The next am, we decided to go for a drive. The wind was sooo sooo strong!!! Almost got blown away by the wind!!! U can imagine how strong the wind can be just looking at this pic:

check out the trees!!! The trees were all slanted in that whole area!!!

The side trip to Torquay was definitely the hilight of the trip, not only coz we bought many many stuff, we both liked the town v much, we gota spend time just the 2 of us and most importantly coz something special happened there. :)) n although Dar doesnt read my blog just wana say:
"Thanks Dar for the arrangement to Torquay & for taking such good care of me be it in Melbourne & all other times as well. We muz go back to Torquay another time ok? Wuv yew lotsa... *muaks*"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

came back to reread ur blog to find some traces... haaaa bingo!

