Saturday, December 20, 2008
Go Andy Go Andy Go Go
Dora bought lite sticks b4 the concert but it was actually not necessary coz we were each given a super kewl lite stick by 1 of the sponsors Nokia n e litestick can change colour one... damn kewl!!! Was q surprised coz there were no free gifts during the Jacky concert and for Jay there was only the cupboard hand thngy (although aft dat there was a poster); was telling Dar that I m saving e litestick for any future concerts that I attend hee hee.
I thot he was v charismatic thruout e concert; he was also v funny in the thngs he say and engaging with the audience even though they may not be standing up and singing along w his songs. N his 2 "sons" were v cute!!! I liked that segment of the concert best!!! They were so "fat" n "round" n cldn't really walk properly yet they managed to turn somersaults and handstands n splits n what have u!!! There was also a segment where they showed his old films and he sang the theme songs from his old films; he looked sooooooooooooo young then!!! N thnx 2 all e botox n wateva, he looks even beta than he was those years back! I m sure it muz haf been v heartwarming for all the fans :) N when he came out for his encore for the fast songs, he asked everyone 2 stand on their feet and dance along w him which prompted many fans (us included) to rush dwn to the railings to be "nearer" 2 him. The encore was v loooong!!! By the time he finished, it was already 1115 pm... definitely well worth our money hee hee.
N i thnk i wana go for JJ's concert again next Mar!!! Anyone wana go w me? :P
Sunday, November 30, 2008
So after dinner, we proceeded to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal n we were surprised to see a lot of cars for this trip; i didnt do an exact count but I thnk there were easily like 17-18 cars!!! There were LandRovers n many many Tritons (thnk this is how it is spelled...). Waited a while where everyone went ard looking @ every one else's car b4 setting off. Dar wanted his best bud 2 drive but I told Dar 2 drive as I was pretty sure he wld b tired on e way out. He has done off-roading on his bike b4 many many years ago but not on the car so he was a little apprehensive but he did a great job!
Intially the road was still q ok; not many bumps and not many hanging leaves/branches but it soon got more challenging!!! There were potholes for one, of which some were q deep n some part of the roads were q narrow coz of the tree trunks so it was a gd thng dat baby V was small; so it wasn't much of a prob goin thru nor making turns. Then there the dipping tracks; Dar did one that went down n up immediately and I thot that was like the best part of the "trip" but later there was one that was almost 90 degrees!!! Dar took a look and immediately passed the wheel to his best bud haha! There was another part where we had to go up a little hill n turn straight immediately and Baby V almost cldn't make it up!!! Wat a scare!!! But Baby V proved her worth tremendouly and Dar n his fren were v pleased w her performance :) Thnk they r goin 2 get her new accessories next wk; new fenders n visor maybe... so she will haf a new look!
The funny thng was that, we actually made a wrg turn, which was why the path was so challenging! We later found out that coz 1 of drivers let his passenger out to shit on e road, somehow they missed a turn and we had 2 go 1 whole rd to get to our destination which was actually the break waters. But in the end we didn't go coz they haf been driving for almost 3 hrs and we were getting a little tired. It was fun n I dun mind doin it again but seriously, not too often coz aft abt 2 hrs I was like "r we eva reaching our destination???" :P
Sunday, November 02, 2008

After lunch, we proceeded to Rasa w some of the bros who were helping with the projector set up. Being e sleepy gal that I m, I wanted 2 take a nap, but they were having some reno in the unit above us so I cldn't really slep well. :( By the time they stopped n I finally fell into a lite sleep, it was time to wake up coz the MUA was there already. But poor Dar hardly gotta sleep coz somehow they cldn't play the montage on the player n so they spent q a lot of time trying to fig everything out.

& then it was the wedding dinner proper. I felt I didn't take enuff photos w everyone or mingled enuff w everyone :( but juz wana thnk everyone for coming n sharing this v v v special day w me. & all the help fr the frenz n relatives... we are juz v fortunate to have so many helping us. Some pp told me that I gave a good speech n that it was v personal; I'm juz glad I didn't cry when I mentioned my mum... Truly miss her a lot n I wished she was there w us on that day... I guess that was wat my Dad was wishing for also. I was surprised that Dar teared coz he had read the speech b4 n didn't mention anything to me. But we both had a good cry in the hotel rm that nite n he kept assuring me that my Mum, wherever she was wld be v v v happy for us!
I had such a good time that day; wearing my beautiful gown & Nitegown n being the centre of attention... I wish I cld do it all over again!!! Thnx once again everyone for all the well-wishes, blessings, help n for spending the day w us! Most of all, thnx to my Dar for being who he is; for always doting n caring for me n for being the person I wana spend e rest of my life w! *muakies*
Monday, October 27, 2008
Twins & Baby
Fiddling w my new phone

Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Back to work
That is juz 1 of the couple of changes that has happened since I was away. Apparently my boss has stepped up on the project as the roll out date is getting nearer and wants my colleague and I to help to "drive" the proj. I was a bit like "huh" coz I m still a little blur abt e proj and how to go about handling prob. What's more, might have to go back to the RMs n the RMs faces are pretty black nowadays coz of the crisis. And my boss got a new boss! Coz the previous boss was in charge of sales n support but he is not too bz w sales so they've gotten another lady to take care of the support side... hafn't spoken to her yet... hopefully she is q nice! We're also shifting to a new office; intially there were talks of a renovation but now we are juz gonna move across the road to Plaza 1. A slightly longer distance fr OUBC but hopefully the lifts are not as screwed up hee. The "smallest" change wld be dat we now have dress-down Fri! I was surprised the dept didn't have it when I first joined... but I guess it doesnt really make a diff 2 me since I dun wear suits n all anyways :P
Actually I m rather xian of e job... but looking @ the crisis, I dun thnk there's anywhere I can go SOB!!! Just hope I can tahan till everything is beta bahs...
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Nite Safari - 190908

Thursday, September 04, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bday plan
On closer look on the tickets, I then realised that we could buy 5 tickets w 1 coupon so we actually didn't need Dar's coupon. But juz as well lah, coz Dar is thnking of bringing the kids along.
Yipeezz Yayeezz... looking forward to the wedding this Sun then our birthdays next wk!!! Def my most memorable period for 2008 :)
Saturday, August 23, 2008
We were late for our photoshoot that day coz we didn't pack all the stuff the previous nite heh... n we went to buy brekkies b4 goin to the studio. & guess who went to the studio w us??? :P
Yep Yep my Piggies! All 6 of them some more hahaha! I'm surprised Dar agreed to it and my Dad was even more surprised to see me bringing them along for the photoshoot haha! Only thing was that there too many of them... and they r v soft (except for Zhu Tou) n so they all can't really "sit" properly and so there wasn't a photo where all of them were facing the front! Pity the shoot (for them) was v short and they were "pighandled" by the photographer and they were left in the studio when we went for our outdoor shoot so they weren't v happy with the "experience" :P
And yep, dat's my evening gown... in my favourite blue colour! I like it v v v much, only thing is dat I can't grow fat or else cannot wear liaos. The BS made more motiffs around my tummy so as to hide my little tummy hee hee. Oh it is bare back too like my gown.
This is Dar's fave pic (n i like it too! :P):
Our outdoor shoot was shot in Tanah Merah (when pp saw the pics they kept asking me whr it is... umm being the road idiot that I am, I only know it is in Tanah Merah haha) & where else... Punggol. I love the water shots!!! Pity we didn't really manage to get the sunset though... Nite shots were done @ Esplanade and we were all so dead tired aft dat!!! Slept at abt 3am and still had to work e next day coz I cldn't take leave :( But the pics were well worth it! :)
@ Tanah Merah:
@ Esplanade:
We went out another day to take the casual shots coz I wanted to do the wakeboarding shots n coz we didn't haf time to do the bike shots that day. It would haf been q kewl to be riding the bike on my gown rites? Felt the shots were v "us"! :) n I like the motion shot of Dar!!! Kewlz!!!
Definitely my fave shot hee hee!!! Luckily there was @ least 1 nice shot coz I was sooo tired already. (I practised a couple of runs by myself, took a break b4 Dar n I took e pics together) but didn't dare to let go coz Dar was sure to scold haha!!! Final effect on the album was v nice coz it was actually drizzling when the photographer took the pic.
Hope u all like e pics too! I know i like them !!! hee :)