Sunday, November 02, 2008


Juz watched e wedding video w Dar last nite n it brought such nice, sweet memories of that special day of ours :) n I know i took forever to blog abt it n 2 upload my pics... but hey... good thngs r worth e wait rites? :Þ

Woke up pretty early that day although we both slept late e nite b4 as we were still rushing to do the guest list n all coz I was pretty excited n nervous. The Videographer, MUA n photographer all arrived shortly after I had my breakfast n thereaft my aunt n uncle arrived to help.

M all made up... b4 changing to my wedding gown which I miss a lot... hee. My Aunt specifically said I had to wear a pink dress to change into and luckily I found one coz we went to a couple of places but I couldn't find anything in pink, much less anythng I like!!!

The funniest thing that happened was that 2 of my sisters actually went to Dar's house instead!!! so blurr rites??? I like this pic... I thnk I was tokin 2 Qixia n Huiwen was tokin go Siping bahs...

n little Benjy who was the 小舅子 was apparantly v cooperative by sleeping early the nite b4 n he was q excited too... although he looked a little sleepy-eyed down here heh.
As expected, the guys took their own sweet time to come (but can't really blame them coz Dar's best bud had 2 direct 1 sister to my house n drive the other sister over haha!) but I gota say that the sistas were q lenient on Darling... his first task was actually to write this note "announcing" that he is coming to fetch his bride n then subsequently get the note into the house without throwing thru the gate. Next he had the 酸甜古辣 n Dar said the Omega tablets were really terrible n the chilli padi was damn hot!!! His last task (b4 entering the gate) was to drink up a whole pot of Coke through straws that had holes in them which they gladly drank up coz the chilli padi was soo sooo hot!!! I was thnking dat they should haf done the honey last then it mite haf "killed" the taste away?

Dar writing the words "我来接新娘" on the paper w Benjy looking on. He actually wanted to help Dar write some of the words but were "banned" by the sistas!

e 酸甜古辣

& Dar drinking the pot of coke! :)
After some haggling, both sides had a bit of unexpected "help" fr little Benjy coz he needed to pee!!! Dar was telling me that he was v urgent n it was actually q funny coz he cldn't "tahan" already so both sides then used him as a "bait"; the sistas to get e ang pao n the bros 2 get the key. Check out the pics, they r really q funny coz I was watching the video n the poor boy didn't know who to listen to!!! The last pic was of him pushing the ang pao to the gals; he kept saying "open sesame" hoping that the door would open but it didnt!!! n aft that he dashed into the house but the videographer n photographer had to be in front of Dar so my cousin had to call the poor boy back n let the big bros n sisters enter the hse first!

Thereafter was part 2 of the Gate-Crash!!! Dar had to sing a canto song for me n i specially requested for either Jay Chou or Jacky Cheung. He was a little embaressed as he doesn't like to sing in front of pp but he was a good sport & sang Jacky's canto 每天爱你多一些 which is both our fave song of Jacky's but i was little surprised coz I thot he mite haf sang 月半湾 instead. Next he had to write in a book (which had pics of my hen nite) 5 things that:

1) he love about me
2) he would do as a husband
3) he would do when he is angry
n then he would have to read it out to me. Was q touched by some of the things he wrote coz I know that it came from him :)
N Dar finally gets to come in the room n the last "task" I had of him was for him 2 name my 5 little piggies who were sitting on the bed haha!!! I was v happy to finally be able to "see" him hee! :)

Next was the whirlwind of goin to Dar's place for the tea ceremony n then coming back to my house for the tea ceremony. We almost didn't make it back in time to my house! Oh n we had Benjy to roll and jump on our new bed for us. We wanted Antonio n Vincent to jump n roll too but they didn't wana. Benjy was so cute jumping ard n facing the camera when we asked him to! Thnx sweetie!!! Goin to juz post some pics here:

After lunch, we proceeded to Rasa w some of the bros who were helping with the projector set up. Being e sleepy gal that I m, I wanted 2 take a nap, but they were having some reno in the unit above us so I cldn't really slep well. :( By the time they stopped n I finally fell into a lite sleep, it was time to wake up coz the MUA was there already. But poor Dar hardly gotta sleep coz somehow they cldn't play the montage on the player n so they spent q a lot of time trying to fig everything out.
B4 the wedding dinner proper, we went to the beach nearby to take some pics... me q like them:

& then it was the wedding dinner proper. I felt I didn't take enuff photos w everyone or mingled enuff w everyone :( but juz wana thnk everyone for coming n sharing this v v v special day w me. & all the help fr the frenz n relatives... we are juz v fortunate to have so many helping us. Some pp told me that I gave a good speech n that it was v personal; I'm juz glad I didn't cry when I mentioned my mum... Truly miss her a lot n I wished she was there w us on that day... I guess that was wat my Dad was wishing for also. I was surprised that Dar teared coz he had read the speech b4 n didn't mention anything to me. But we both had a good cry in the hotel rm that nite n he kept assuring me that my Mum, wherever she was wld be v v v happy for us!

I had such a good time that day; wearing my beautiful gown & Nitegown n being the centre of attention... I wish I cld do it all over again!!! Thnx once again everyone for all the well-wishes, blessings, help n for spending the day w us! Most of all, thnx to my Dar for being who he is; for always doting n caring for me n for being the person I wana spend e rest of my life w! *muakies*

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