Actually spotted a gown @ Emmanuel dat was v nice n elegant & she cld sew more crystals on e gown for me so dat it will haf more sparkles but it was kinda plain... when I went there w Dar, they were actually having a sale & it was really q worth coz we get 2 keep e gown & Dar really liked this one w lotsa lotsa French Lace... but then I m a bling bling sparkle sparkle kinda gal & thus I wasn't too keen. Besides... we both liked this gown that we saw @ Divine Couture & after some calculation, Dar said it was ok 2 pay a bit more if I really liked that gown :))
Being e typical kiasu Singaporean, I wanted 2 try on more gowns when we went back again e 2nd time 2 take the package. But we still liked the one dat we saw e previous time & thus we decided to choose this gown:
Front & back view of e dress... it's a low back dress which I haf always wanted & it has these frilly thngy on the straps & sweet pink ribbons in e train!!! & there are pink & silver embroidery on the gown as well making it v sweet... like me! haha!!! Really like this gown & hopefully she can add some more bling bling on it :)
I like this shot & I cant wait 2 wear it for the photo shoot & on the actual day; 7 months to go!!!