Went for Dental in the am for my "big" project earlier coz wanted 2 meet my ex-colleague for lunch but ended up having to wait & thus had 2 cancel the appointment. Spent a total of $220 ystd; $40 each for laminating 2 teeth, $80 for retainers for my lower teeth, $35 for polishing & $30 for filling in a HUGE cavity. My colleagues commented that it was q cheap :))) Wanted to make retainers for both the top & bottom teeth but the dentist suggested just doing the bottom one coz i) the upper teeth were still orderly whereas my bottom teeth were getting a little "crowded" (but i dunno why that needs retainers!!!) n ii) coz he didn't want me 2 scratch my nice laminated teeth when i put on n take off the retainers. How thoughtful... Unfortunately, the retainers will NOT stop me fr grinding my teeth @ nite which really irritates Dar. Guess he will hafta bear w it :P The dentist was surprised @ the cavity in my teeth coz it was already q huge; he had to clean the cavity b4 he cld fill it in but it was too sensitive for me & I had cringing away even though he told me not to. I told him I have a huge phobia for dentists after my horrifying experience w my orthodontist extracting my teeth when the anesthetic haven't seeped in... OUCH!!! So in e end, he had to give me a jab even though he only had to clean the area for juz a little bit more. But later in the afternoon after the anaesthetic have worn off, there was this sore feeling & I felt really uncomfy. Asked Dar if it was normal n his reply, "Huh? How wld I know? I m not a dentist... Ask ur dentist lah!" gosh some help he is! :P
In the pm was my appointment w my BS for trail makeup & also the fittings for my gown. Am so happy to see my gown again hee hee. She has done some alteration for me so it fits much beta now, only that the spaghetti straps were a little too tight & the gown was a teeny weeny too long such dat I kept stepping on it!!! She will be doing the alterations for me & add more beadings to the gown. I hope she add LOTS more so it will b more bling haha. As for my evening gown which is like a cheongsam, it was q ok, only that the collar was a too tight & a bit too high. She had to keep telling me not to slouch so dat the cloth wldn't crease @ my stomach haha. I haf v bad posture I know but it is too late for me to do anything liao (n anyways i m too lazee haha!) Will be goin for the next fitting together w Dar in late May so hopefully he can take some pics then I can post it here :) The makeup artist was q frenly & I m glad the makeup wasn't too thick... here's a pic of me w the makeup... n check out my new pearlie whites :PPPP
Made an appointment for body massage in the late pm since Dar was working n wanted 2 meet him for dinner. The massage therapist assigned to me ystd was q gd n professional; she told me the body mask she was gona use for me wld make me perspire so as to get the toxins out and also so that my skin wld b able to absorb the massage oil better. & I really did perspire a lot!!! She was really q gd so much so dat during the massage, I didn't feel the soreness in my mouth 1 bit!!! But it came back aft the massage... so strange hor? Tried to book her for subsequent appointments but was told she is full till June for wkend appointments! :(
Finally met Dar @ nite 2 pick him up coz his van broke dwn. Went to eat v delicious ice kachang where the ice was so fine it simply melted in your mouth!!! Dar has been raving abt this ice kachang for weeks so I was mighty happy that I finally gotta eat it! Yummz!