Sunday, November 30, 2008
So after dinner, we proceeded to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal n we were surprised to see a lot of cars for this trip; i didnt do an exact count but I thnk there were easily like 17-18 cars!!! There were LandRovers n many many Tritons (thnk this is how it is spelled...). Waited a while where everyone went ard looking @ every one else's car b4 setting off. Dar wanted his best bud 2 drive but I told Dar 2 drive as I was pretty sure he wld b tired on e way out. He has done off-roading on his bike b4 many many years ago but not on the car so he was a little apprehensive but he did a great job!
Intially the road was still q ok; not many bumps and not many hanging leaves/branches but it soon got more challenging!!! There were potholes for one, of which some were q deep n some part of the roads were q narrow coz of the tree trunks so it was a gd thng dat baby V was small; so it wasn't much of a prob goin thru nor making turns. Then there the dipping tracks; Dar did one that went down n up immediately and I thot that was like the best part of the "trip" but later there was one that was almost 90 degrees!!! Dar took a look and immediately passed the wheel to his best bud haha! There was another part where we had to go up a little hill n turn straight immediately and Baby V almost cldn't make it up!!! Wat a scare!!! But Baby V proved her worth tremendouly and Dar n his fren were v pleased w her performance :) Thnk they r goin 2 get her new accessories next wk; new fenders n visor maybe... so she will haf a new look!
The funny thng was that, we actually made a wrg turn, which was why the path was so challenging! We later found out that coz 1 of drivers let his passenger out to shit on e road, somehow they missed a turn and we had 2 go 1 whole rd to get to our destination which was actually the break waters. But in the end we didn't go coz they haf been driving for almost 3 hrs and we were getting a little tired. It was fun n I dun mind doin it again but seriously, not too often coz aft abt 2 hrs I was like "r we eva reaching our destination???" :P
Sunday, November 02, 2008

After lunch, we proceeded to Rasa w some of the bros who were helping with the projector set up. Being e sleepy gal that I m, I wanted 2 take a nap, but they were having some reno in the unit above us so I cldn't really slep well. :( By the time they stopped n I finally fell into a lite sleep, it was time to wake up coz the MUA was there already. But poor Dar hardly gotta sleep coz somehow they cldn't play the montage on the player n so they spent q a lot of time trying to fig everything out.

& then it was the wedding dinner proper. I felt I didn't take enuff photos w everyone or mingled enuff w everyone :( but juz wana thnk everyone for coming n sharing this v v v special day w me. & all the help fr the frenz n relatives... we are juz v fortunate to have so many helping us. Some pp told me that I gave a good speech n that it was v personal; I'm juz glad I didn't cry when I mentioned my mum... Truly miss her a lot n I wished she was there w us on that day... I guess that was wat my Dad was wishing for also. I was surprised that Dar teared coz he had read the speech b4 n didn't mention anything to me. But we both had a good cry in the hotel rm that nite n he kept assuring me that my Mum, wherever she was wld be v v v happy for us!
I had such a good time that day; wearing my beautiful gown & Nitegown n being the centre of attention... I wish I cld do it all over again!!! Thnx once again everyone for all the well-wishes, blessings, help n for spending the day w us! Most of all, thnx to my Dar for being who he is; for always doting n caring for me n for being the person I wana spend e rest of my life w! *muakies*