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Received a email fr Sis Aneja last evening; had written to her giving her some updates about some of our friends & about the preps. Though her reply was short, somehow it really touched me. It read something like this:Dear Weipei,
It's always nice to hear from you! You're always so bubbly and full of life, hadn't change much since Sec Sch days! Take care and my blessings are always with you, my dearest friend. =)
Just a couple of sentences but it really touched me & I cldn't stop thinking about her last nite. Have known her since we were 15 & the frenship just grew fr there. The crazeee sec sch days, going diff JCs, rooming together during Uni days... Most importantly, during that v difficult part of my life, she not only encouraged me, she also prayed for my mum and even aft dat, she never failed to call me constantly to check on me even though I was kinda avoiding calls fr friends. & even now, I know that I am constantly in her thoughts & prayers... how more blessed can I be? I miss the times we spent together but I am also v happy for her on the path that she has chosen to take. M also touched that so many pp r concerned abt the preps & offering their help... speci
al thanks to MangoJo & Tibetan Nun. I m such a disorganised & messy & huge procrastinator that all sorts of help are needed!!! Feel relieved to know that I have soooo many pairs of hands & legs & eyes & brains to depend on... thanks folks!!! & the 2 men in my life who has showered me w so much concern & TLC; Daddy for caring & worrying abt me & always wanting the best for me & Darling for the wonderful times spent together. 1 who has done whatever he can to give me the bestest in life & for putting that smile on my face; the other for keeping that smile on my face for a long long time... indeed I can't be more blessed!!!
A certain travel agent in Singapore has certainly gotten on sleepy's nerves. Not to bore everyone w a long & lengthy essay, the gist is that Dar & I tried to get a refund from the TA for the Bali trip we cancelled due to Dar's emergency eye op. We were told the refund would take about 6 months n despite the fact that the staff were rude when Dar called to enquire about the refund, we simply waited patiently. However after 6 months n no reply; I managed 2 con my way thru 2 speak to the GM n 15 min later, manager K called me back. & that was where our woes started.As we were not satisfied w the charges imposed on us, we requested for manager K to give us a ltr stating that the charges were by the airlines & hotel & not by the co itself. However although Dar has been calling manager K every other week & having him tell Dar that he would get the letter by the following Fri, the letter never came. & everytime Dar called manager K, he would always tell Dar that the letter sent to us was already the standard letter & that he doesn't know what Dar wants! N this is despite the fact that manager K always claims to know what Dar wants before they hang up the phone!!! GRRZZZ!!! Finally after 3 months of haggling, he finally sent a letter to Dar handwriting the name of the Airlines & hotel but without intialing next to it!! Talk about professionalism!!! & the day before we received the letter, having got tired of chasing Dar to do the calling, I called to speak to him & he actually threatened me to call the police! Talk about cx service man!!! So Dar called again to tell manager K to again ammend the letter (n Dar specifically told manager K what to write) & if the operations didn't wana issue the letter, Dar is fine that he handwrites it but he has to sign next to it. It ended up with another shouting match between the 2 of them & w Dar telling manager K that if he doesn't receive the letter by the following Wed (which is this Wed) then he would go down to the TA to make noise. Well, we received the letter on Thurs but again without the contents that we want & so we decided to pop down to the agent yesterday. Prior to going down, Dar called the office & was told manager K was off yesterday (lucky b**tard) but the GM was ard till 5. We reached there ard 4 & was served by another admin manager who told us that GM S had left for the day. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, we told him what happened & told him to get someone to call us back ASAP. Not satisfied that we didn't get to tok to the manager, just as we were about to leave, sleepy decided to call back the office & guess what??? GM S was actually ard!!!! I knew that they were just trying to prevent us fr seeing him... smartie that I am :P so up we went 2 see GM S & whilst he was rather professional about the matter I felt that he was in a way siding w lousy manager K. When he was told manager K challenged me to call the police, he actually said that knowing manager K he must have been v agitated. Well I retorted by telling him that he should never do that in the service line.I hope that manager K gets a big scolding but I also know that they will be bitching about what a bitchy couple we are. They must have thought that they got their last laugh by telling us GM S is not ard... well if u wana lie, please cover all ur backsides!!!
... last nite, sleepy forgot how to start Daddy's car!!! The ignition key was turned but I simply couldn't shift the gear from "P" to "D". Issit coz I didn't release the footbrake (aka handbrake)?? But it is already released... or maybe I didn't lock it in place the nite b4 :P Kinda rem that I gota step on the brake so as to shift the gear but I was already stepping on the brake and it still didnt work. (sidenote: for a moment was totally confused coz I was stepping on the brake pedal w my left leg n was wondering if it was correct. Coz when driving Dar's manual car, gota step on the cluth w the left leg but if u drive an auto car, ur left leg actually has nothing to "do") Was just sitting down there for a while... till I stepped on the brake harder w my rite foot and viola, the gear could be shifted!!! & just the nite before, i cldn't switch off the ignition properly. Couldn't figure out why until I realise that the gear was not shifted to "P" properly!!! How? Getting a bit senile liao... n also getting fat. In the past, when pp commented that I m skinny, I always tell them it is coz everyday, I gota walk out/back 15 min to get 2 the MRT or home. But now, thanks to the convenience of service 175, it merely takes me 5 min to get to the bus stop to work. U will all b seeing a fat & haggard sleepy soon :P
Bumped into some ex sch mates of mine whilst @ Raffles City last nite. Was sup 2 meet Hwee & littlebloom but as nothing was set yet, Dar & I decided 2 go Pregos as he hadn't had his dinner yet. So happens that that grp of fren had actually asked littlebloom out as well!!! What a coincidence! Then @ Pregos, my frens met up w another JC mate of theirs; Dar saw his old cycling fren & we saw another ex sec sch mate there as well!!! So many pp @ 1 place all @ once!Adding to that, met Dar's cx's gf e other day & found out that she actually knew 1 of the tellers fr my training branch & that her colleague is 1 of my JC frenz. Also found out that Shanster actually knows my good fren's cousin (whom I also kinda know coz my sis knows him fr way back) & Shanster & her fren actually jioed my fren to go wakeboarding together before!!!It really is a small world afterall!!!
What a day!!! Started off q well as my cash officer is FINALLY back... so I say "bye bye" to my cash days and can finally sit back @ my seat!!! yippeee!!! Sat r e best working days of e week coz there's nothing much 2 do & hafing not been back @ my seat for 2 weeks, I could finally play the games on my comp (:P) n also packed up my messy drawers n the filing cabinet. Thought it would be a quiet Sat but had 2 handle this stupid case... luckily managed to settle it heh. Dropped off my watch @ Guess before goin dwn to meet Dar for some specific shopping heh. This little crystal thngy fell of from the watch face & I've been delaying dropping it off coz I always forget to bring the warranty haha! But it'll take 1-6 weeks for it 2 be done... hopefully it wont take 6 weeks!!! Then it was off to Compass Point; grabbed some OCK upon reaching coz Dar had lunch already & I was hoping to eat the 1-4-1 pasta @ Pregos. (sidenote: for all DBS cx for month of June... 1030-1230pm) There was CnK sales but both pair of shoes that caught my eyes didn't have my size... DARN!!! Haven't bought anything during this GSS; it's like sales everywhere but nothing interesting. Oh well but can save $ hee. Whilst waiting for Dar, went 2 the lib there... alamak, it was SOOOOOOOO messy & the books were old & smelly but managed 2 find 2 rather decent books :) Thankfully Dar didn't make me wait 2 lg... so off 2 the first shop we went. The lady was v helpful but I felt she was a bit persistant but we didn't really see anything that really caught our eye. It's like I like but he don't like or he likes but I feel not suitable. :( Dar then said he was hungry, so we went 2 the food court 4 some food b4 going off 2 e 2nd shop; we were sooooooo surprised the gal kept quiet thruout!!! No suggestions whatsoeva... wat kinda service??? But maybe she is new lah... again nothing caught our eyes... so disappointing!!! Still have 1 more shop, the cheapest of the range... wasn't expecting much but who knows... we did see something we liked!!! Yipee... 1 thing off the long long list :P Hopefully they have our sizes *crosses fingers* Was about to go hm when Dar asked if I wanted 2 go to some sales n I was like "ok lors". The sales was q messy also so I didn't manage 2 get anything but Dar got 3 berms & his best fren who met us there got a shirt. As Dar's fren hafn't eaten, we went 2 the nearby Purvis Street for some chicken rice. We ordered half a chicken & the ngoh hiang thngy n though I didn't eat a lot, i still felt soooooooo full aft dat!!! N aft dat we still went over to Bugis for this Mango Tango drink dat Dar & his friend liked. It was really q yummilicious!!! Esp since it had real mangoes in them!!! Both Dar n I felt soooooooooo full aft dat... it's like we have been eating non-stop the whole day haha!!! Dar cldn't resisit patting my fat little tummy on the way hm :P Also had some suggestions fr MangoJo n Dar's fren for the venue. Getting stressed out coz the date is drawing near but still no location is confirmed :( Was v happy when Dar's fren suggested Cafe DM which is where I wld really wana have it but Dar was worried about some issues... well hopefully it works out... Checked the Marina but it was super ex n we wanted 2 keep it small... well hopefully everything works out... everyone pray 4 me ok? :)