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Blessed Me
Received a email fr Sis Aneja last evening; had written to her giving her some updates about some of our friends & about the preps. Though her reply was short, somehow it really touched me. It read something like this:Dear Weipei,
It's always nice to hear from you! You're always so bubbly and full of life, hadn't change much since Sec Sch days! Take care and my blessings are always with you, my dearest friend. =)
Just a couple of sentences but it really touched me & I cldn't stop thinking about her last nite. Have known her since we were 15 & the frenship just grew fr there. The crazeee sec sch days, going diff JCs, rooming together during Uni days... Most importantly, during that v difficult part of my life, she not only encouraged me, she also prayed for my mum and even aft dat, she never failed to call me constantly to check on me even though I was kinda avoiding calls fr friends. & even now, I know that I am constantly in her thoughts & prayers... how more blessed can I be? I miss the times we spent together but I am also v happy for her on the path that she has chosen to take. M also touched that so many pp r concerned abt the preps & offering their help... speci
al thanks to MangoJo & Tibetan Nun. I m such a disorganised & messy & huge procrastinator that all sorts of help are needed!!! Feel relieved to know that I have soooo many pairs of hands & legs & eyes & brains to depend on... thanks folks!!! & the 2 men in my life who has showered me w so much concern & TLC; Daddy for caring & worrying abt me & always wanting the best for me & Darling for the wonderful times spent together. 1 who has done whatever he can to give me the bestest in life & for putting that smile on my face; the other for keeping that smile on my face for a long long time... indeed I can't be more blessed!!!
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