Friday, August 24, 2007

Still paraniod

Had to make a trip dwn to the Police Station e other day to give my 2nd statement. Luckily it didn't take very long and it was more or less to reaffirm what I had already told the police. Also learnt from the IO that he had already spoken to my maid n dat she was v smart n only admitted to taking to the stuff that were found but not e other stuff. We also learnt that the max penalty given to such an offense is 7 years!!! Was q shocked to hear that... didn't know that it is so serious but then again dun think she will be locked up for so long anyways... the police asked if we wanted to plead for leniency... didn't exactly say yes or no, juz told the police I juz dun want her back here lah... but then after dat, pp were saying why plead for leniency since she is not goin 2 appreciate it anyways... well...

The IO also asked if we wanted to pursue on the matter of the $ lost n my shoes but he also said that it most likely wld not lead to anywhere. He also told us that in the case of the $, if we pursue the matter, everyone in the household would hafta go dwn to give their statements coz we cant assume she is the culprit juz coz she is the only outsider. So in e end, decided not to pursue abt the $ as I didn't want my granny to go dwn to the station. Well, hope that she wld plead guilty so that the case won't hafta go to trial...

Still a little fearful n paranoid n e fact that my colleagues have been scaring me dat these maids have gangs were not helping either!!! Wonder why she had to take e stuff, issit coz she is soooooooooo greedy or issit coz she is poor? Apparantly she told the police that she told the IO dat she took e stuff as she doesn't haf such luxuries back in her village. Whatever it is, juz hope this nitemare ends soon!!!

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