Initially Dar wanted to haf a nice dinner on Christmas Eve with the kids since he didn't get to see them the other day but he had to go and help to "inspect" his aunt's house and as we didn't know how long it would take, decided to forgo the idea as it might be too late to bring the kids out. Instead, we joined his fren's frenz for a bbq @ Tanah Merah. Nothing special u might thnk but the BBQ was not @ some condo, but instead it was held near the beach & we had to go off-road to get in there! It was q an experience sitting in the huge truck bumping along and splashing through the mud. The uncle was q an experienced driver so even though there were many bumps, he managed to avoid potholes where possible and did clever maneuvering of the car. @ our "destination", they started to dig a hole in the sand, putting the charcoal into the little pit and starting the fire. Soon the food was cooked & it was yummz! We had chicken wings, saussages (my must haf @ every bbq) n bacon that was cooked till it was real crispy! It was a gd place for chilling out; lit by the lites from the Land Rover; the kewl gentle breeze... and soon sleepy had fallen asleep on the beach chair! haha! Definitely a v diff kinda Christmas Eve :)
Was hoping dat Dar could accompany me today... but he is bring some customers to Sebana so bored me, being left alone on Christmas decided to take pics of my christmas pressies!!! Some were real surprises!!! Let's see...
From the christmas exchange that I had w my colleagues... I got this:
which when opened up became this:
It's a jewellery box :) left portion for me to put my rings and on the rite, for me to put my earrings & necklace.
& toking about jewellery, the Santarina in my Office gave me these:
Hmm... not v clear hor... but it's nice! n I m goin 2 wear it for new year! Was really shocked when she passed me the pressie coz I m sure the pressies are not cheap!!! & she gave a prez to everyone in the office!!! Thnx Ms Choong!!!
& this is wat my Ya Huan gave me... why she give me towel I dunno... I thot she is the that is supposed to be wiping all the dust everywhr n not me??? (hee juz kidding ah)
& now for the suprise pressies... Dar's sis got me these:
A bag, pair of earrings & a ring.
Close up of e accessories:
Kinda expected to get a prez from them as Dar & I were getting something for the kids but didn't really expect these! The earrings match with this charm necklace which I recently bought & I like the ring... only that I can't figure out whether to wear it as a finger ring or toe ring!
& from Dar's best buddy Clifford... I got this which was a TOTAL surprise but brought such a HUGE smile on my face when I opened it during the BBQ... What is it??? It is a...
Super cute hor!!! This is my 2nd piggie mug; 1st being the one Dar bought for me last year & it is also the bludging out sort which I like. SO thnk I will keep this mug first & use it when my other cups are older...
The biggest surprise of all was definitely Dar's gift which he gave me after we came home from the BBQ.
A Perfume & Body Lotion gift set from Bvlgari!!! Gosh I was totally surprised coz Dar really isn't the kinda person to buy pressies. Plus he is bz working everyday and accompanying me @ nite so I didn't really expect him to have the time to buy me the prez!!! Also thot he was gona get me a watch coz I did tell him that I am thnking of buying a new watch. Nonetheless... Thnx Dar!!!
Still have another Christmas exchange w the PA gals this Fri so that'll be another prez!!! Yippeez!!! Hope everyone enjoyed themselves this Christmas & may it be a wonderous 2008 for everyone! Cheers!
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