As mentioned, the PA gals had our yearly Christmas gathering last Fri, 28th Dec. Sad to say, only CL, Dewdrops, Sharon & I turned up; the others had something on & Judy had fallen ill. Nonetheless we had a good time having steamboat @ 鲜得来, another steamboat place opp Bugis. Much prefered this to the one we haf a week plus ago with MangoJo coz it was air-conditioned & they had more variety of food although it was v cramp. & we each paid about $27 each so I felt it was q worth it :) We almost didnt get to exchange pressies coz someone kept picking her own name & there was one instance when we all picked our own names!!! It was hilarious & we were joking dat we would still be there picking names even aft they have closed shop! & when we finally got different names, we then spent a bit of time deciding whether we should give to the person we chose or to receive from the person!!! Gosh! heh... so anyways I got this fr mum-to-be Cheryl:
Doesn't this look yummilicious? M&S Belgian Choc biscuits from my tut kid's parents! :) I actually went to their house on Christmas Day itself but my kid & her Dad forgot to give it to me & the mum has gone to sleep!!! I was still lamenting to Dar that I had no pressie from them! Was telling him dat when I walked into their house that day, I saw the M&S package on the table & guessed it was for me so I was awfully disappointed when it wasn't given to me @ the end of the lesson. Such a greedy teacher I am ain't I? :P :P :P
Whaddya know? Sleepy had another surprise pressie!!! Fr my dear dear fren, Hwee from Shanghai! Had a really good time catching up w her on Sat although Coffee Club was a tad too noisy but it's the company that mattered. It was really a treasured time coz I didn't meet up with her the last time she was back & m sooooooo touched that she is v concerned about my wedding & even offered to be my emcee!!! Sleepy is truly blessed with so many pp helping her along the way =)))) & what did she give me....?
It's another wristlet pouch!!! This is the 4th one I've received this year; Cheryl's, Dar's Sis, this & 1 fr Mangojo as a bday pressie. They r all different sizes!!! & to thnk I was gona ask my cousin 2 buy back a Coach one for me... guess can save $ liao!!! :P
Last but not least, I have been meaning to put this up but haven't... not exactly a christmas present but it was from Dar's mum:
Just a normal pair of slippers u may say... but she MADE this!!! Yep she MADE it for me! & it fits perfectly!!! I didn't wana take it intially coz I thot she bought them but when she said she made it I quickly took it! First time I have a pair of shoes MADE for me!!! I kept telling Dar that I have & he doesn't & he was totally amused haha!!! & it's vcomfy as well; the strap didn't hurt, esp between the toes & the base was v soft, not like some slippers which are too thin or too rough/hard. Yipee yayee!!! Maybe I can design some shoes for her to make for me next time! :P
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