Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Happy 2nd!
Took leave yesterday to kinda celebrate and also to rest a little. Dar has been really bz with his new shop opening but promised me to be back by early afternoon so that we cld go n pray my mum and then run some errands before our massage in the late pm. Managed to get a "free" massage for Dar coz the previous time I went there, the therapist who was a part-timer didn't do my wrap for me so I asked them to change it to a massage for him hee hee... q smart hor. I requested for a couple room; but it wasn't exactly a couple room but instead, a room that was seperated into 2 by partition & they had all these facial machines @ the partition there so... but the therapists were pretty good... mite use them again next time.
Wanted 2 go somewhere nice for dinner but decided not to spend so much money n also coz we are going to Shang for Dad's bday tmr (yep yep... I managed to book the flash ur age promotion! Can't wait!!!) so we ended up @ Ikoi coz Dar was hungry n we haven't gone there for a while. Luckily we went a little earlier coz the place filled up by around 730 and the orders were q slow. As usual, we "tackled" the salmon sashimi n the ebi tempuras. But the tempuras n the chawanmushi was a little off-standard yesterday and we thot they had changed chefs! haha! & we suspect the sashimi chef yesterday was also the boss! coz he was super duper frenly, had a lot of pp saying hi n bye to him n had his pic w celebrity plastered all over the wall! No wonder he was so professional, taking time to cut the sashimi n then decorating them on the plates! We had little yellow flowers on the sashimi :)
After that, it was Transformers!!! We actually wanted to catch it on the opening week but missed it n after that was too tired. It wasn't too bad lah... effects were real good... but I didnt watch part 1 so I was a bit lost... shall go ransack Dar's collection n see if he has the 1st one.
All in all, we enjoyed ourselves... n i m juz glad Dar took e time off 2 spend it w me despite all the prep he has to do for the shop n the gazillion n 1 thngs he has to do! *muakies*
Sunday, June 07, 2009

On the 1st day, we had a briefing in the AM & was shown ard the island by 1 of the GOs which really wasn't v big. Having nothing to do till lunch, we went to take some pics near the water bungalows. HL's lumix was really gd; it is wide-angled so we cld take many pics ourselves (like e one above)... m gona get the Lumix too if we eva get dwn to buying our own cam hee. Aft lunch, we decided to go snorkelling; which turned out to be a rather bad idea as the sea was v choppy in the pm & many pp on the boat were seasick. & no matter how hard we paddelled in the water, we cldn't seem to go far... it was really v tiring. :*(

So we decided to try again the next morning (& e morning after) when the seas were not so choppy. & indeed they were fulfilling trips as we saw dolphin (umm actually i only saw the fin or was it e tail) on e 2nd day & turtles on the 3rd day!!! & the fishes swam really close to me, but i wasn't able to touch them. I esp liked this flourescent blue one :) The only bad thng was that I witnessed this chinese guy breaking off some of the corals when he kicked his flippers. The GO was really angree as apparantly it wasn't the first time he did it. Some of the other chinese also stood on the corals when they have been briefed not to do so. Just some incidents why the GOs there didn't seem to like the chinese much! (& Club Med was teaming w them whilst we were there!!!)
Rite: Us on the smaller boat where we cld sit on the deck & took many many pics :)
The night life was not boring either; no wonder Lonely Planet sez that Club Med Kani has the best night entertainment on the island. The GOs put up shows everynite with a different theme, e.g. 80 shows, Latino Dance, Cabaret... after which there was the Sign Dance where everyone followed to specific moves to the songs. It was rather fun, esp on the last nite where they played chinese/korean/jap songs. This chinese guy actually went to sing the chinese song on the little stage!!! I almost died of luffter!!! Aft that there was disco (but hardly anyone danced!!!) or guests could sit around for drinks. On our 2nd last nite there, we did stay to talk with the GOs till late; some of the GOs were really q cheeky & bo liao heh. Some pics w the GOs:

Oh & 1 of the GOs brought us to view the water bungalows @ our request. It was q kewl as it had a private staircase from the room into the ocean (see pic) but it didn't have a glass bottom floor which I thot was q disappointing. But we took many pics alg e way :)

Saturday, June 06, 2009
Bad Bad Service
Issue 1
18th May: My husband called 1633 @ about 9pm to enquire about his billing for hp 9382 3840. He was told that starhub was undergoing a "system upgrade" and hence the officer would not be able to check for him. Just wondering, doesnt Starhub has any backup system??? He requested for a call back the following day, 19th May before 11am.
19th May: No one called my husband back. He thus had to call 1633 again in the afternoon. He was served by a guy named "Suren" who told him that it would take 3 days for him to check and get back to him. My husband then requested Suren to call him back before Fri, 22nd May as he was going overseas.
22nd May: I called 1633 and around 11.30am, and asked whether my husband was getting a call back that day. Ivan, who picked up my call told me that Suren would call my husband back that day. He told me that he would drop an email to Suren so that Suren would call my husband once he receive the email. I told Ivan that my husband would like Suren to call before 1pm that day.
1) Doesn't Starhub have a backup system for the billing (or any other kinds of system?)
2) Why wasn't there a callback on 19th May when my husband has requested for one? It is always a time-consuming process to call 1633 as we always have to wait for no less than 10 min which is why cx request for a call-back.
3) Why didn't Suren call my husband back yesterday when Ivan told me that he would be calling him back? In any case, it has been more than 3 days and he told my husband that it would take him 3 days to check on the billing!
4) Don't you have a better system rather than just emailing the staff to call the customer back? What if the staff is on urgent leave/MC and cx is requesting an urgent call back? Shouldn't a manager be on hand to call cx back?
Issue 2
15th May: My husband went down to your shop at Plaza Singapura to renew his contract. As he didn't bring down his corporate pass, he was advised to go down personally to hand in a copy of his pass.
22nd May: I called to enquire whether we could fax in the pass instead (as is possible with other mobile providers). I was advised by Suren that it was not possible. However when I called your business hotline @ 1800-888-8888, I was told that I could fax in the pass, together with a letter. This is the 2nd time that I've encountered differing answers from your cx care.
23rd May: As I have left the number in the office, I called 1633 to ask for the number for corporate customers and was given the number 6725 9797. "Nora" who picked up the phone told me that as they have just shifted into the new office @ Ubi, she did not have any access to any system and also that I would have to fax in the request to the shop @ Plaza Singapura as the contract was resigned down that and to call 1633 for the fax number. This was not what was told to me the day before and she told me that it was a miscommunication. I told her then that i was quite sure that 1633 would NOT be able to provide me with the fax number and asked her then what should I do? She kept insisting that she did not have the system and irritated, I told her to ask the manager to call me as I did not want to keep calling 1633 as I always have to hold for almost 10 min. She said "ok" but HUNG UP THE PHONE ON ME before she could even get my details!!! What kind of cx service is this?!?!?!!?
Left with no choice, I had to call 1633 AGAIN, was given the business hotline number and FINALLY got the fax number!
1) Why is it that there are always differing answers from your cx service staff? Isn't there some SOP or some general Q&A that the staff can follow? Failing which, shouldn't staff seek help from their supervisors if they are unsure of the answer?
2) I am extremely appalled by Nora's lack of service enthusiasm, especially for hanging up the phone on me! It looks like almost every department in Starhub has bad customer service, is this the image that you wish to project to your customer?
& to add oil to fire, they didn't reply me aft I sent this email. Luckily the gal who was following with me on the "Nora" case was nice & professional & when I told her that I have not received any reply (not even a confirmation email!), she gave me the email of the Head of Cx Svc. Which really worked coz I got a call back (although not by the head) b4 noon on Monday after sending the email on Sun.
The matter has more or less been settled on my part (Dar is still asking about his phone charges) & I got another year of free Auto-Roaming & Caller ID for Dar; so that makes it 2 years coz I already got 1 year free from the previous complaint. Which is good coz I was v against Dar signing on with Starhub again; wanted him to finish his contract & switch to my corporate plan coz I get free Auto-Roaming & Caller ID so this works out to be the same. The guy only offered me a 50% discount off the subscription @ first, which later changed to either Auto-Roaming or Caller ID & now we get both! ha... persistence pays man! I wonder what else I can ask for should I have to call them in again... kekekeke
Footnote: The guy called Dar back & cleared his queries on his billing. & he gave Dar 50% off his subscription for 2 months!!! (he only offered me 1... not fair! :P) means Dar will be saving over $200 in his bills for these 2 years!! I thnk i shd take e credit haha!
Long Absence
The mega project finally ended in early April... Yipee!!! Out goes the mundane job of checking and opening of accounts for clients and forever churning numbers for my boss to minimise the number of accounts that are not opened. Well... sometimes still gota churn numbers but it is definitely not as bad. Took on the imager role in office which is also another mundane role, just gota be careful of the timings which I missed the other day & resulted in me being complained by 1 of the ViXens in the off. I was damn pissed coz it was e 1st time I made a mistake & I have been keeping close watch of the timing except that day coz there were so many txn. What's more, I felt she was instigated by the mother ViXen & aft that, they did not tok to me about it but instead acted normally w me. Me being me, just cldn't be bothered w them n only toked to them when req. Geez... it's been like 9 months but yet I still cannot get used to all the OP in the office. Luckily I have a few colleagues whom I am closer to so we can bitch about all the others haha. In fact, my boss called me & my buddy colleague in to chide us for toking too much hahaha!!! It's funny how thngs turned out; i didn't used to like my buddy colleague so much n preferred mother ViXen but now I can't stand mother ViXen n m closer to my buddy colleague, taught me to really get to know a person b4 putting my judgement on them.
& I was actually looking to change my job coz I feel my present job scope is not value-adding; tempted to go back to gvt sector coz if lucky can be q zuo bo & also the pay is higher. Was waiting to see if I got accepted to the Higher Diploma in Private Banking and just got news couple of days ago that I was selected! Mixed feelings coz do wana learn more and dun mind goin "back to school" again but don't really know the other colleagues that are selected well; esp so since mother ViXen is selected as well... sigh... & worse thing is, there's lessons on my bday!!! Gosh, I like haven't studied on my bday in @ least 12 years!!! Mite skip dat lesson though... still thnking abt it. Wanted to go away that week but looks like that won't b possible coz haf assessment that week also... guess gota celebrate either b4 or aft dat wk bah...
Went GZ/Macau/ZH w Dar & his family in late March. 2nd "family" trip after the Melbourne trip in 07... bought q a lot of stuff although Dar wasn't too impressed that most of the shopping catered to gals. Dar & I made a side trip to GZ ourselves; it has really changed a lot since I was there like almost 20 years ago!!! & it was ez to find the places we wanted to go to too. Thnk we might make another trip there again... Dar's sis & SIL were amazed @ how long Dar could walk; the buildings were like 6 storeys high and he wasn't a least bit tired even after walking all the floors! Me? I was complaining that i was tired even b4 reaching the 5th floor haha! & I juz came back fr Maldives w a good tan!!! But save that for the next entry :P
So wat's everyone been up to? :)
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I saw it! I saw it!
And I thnk it is a gd sign too! Coz I m goin on holiday soon!!! No doubt with some aunties but as lg as hubby is w me, it will definitely be a memorable trip! :)
Amazing Memory
Being in PB now, I often receive emails wrt the latest financial/economy news/updates/summaries which often with a click of my finger lands in my trash box. Received a slew of emails the other day and thot to just read them since I was free anyways and had a pleasant surprise at a familiar name at the end of the email; the gal was fr my Pri/Sec school and JC!!! I immediately dropped a mail to her which led to an even bigger surprise: 1 of our Pri sch teachers was now working in the bank too!!! A lunch date was arranged :)
I am embarassed to admit that I had no inkling who the teacher was; but apparantly she did remember me and told my friend that she taught my sister. Well, no big deal, my sis was super notorious in school and more often than not, I was known as "XWL's sister". So u can imagine my astonishment when we met and she told me, "Yes I remember u; u used to have short fringe (finger draws a line across forehead) n used to wear those pink plastic specs." WHICH I DID!!! gosh!!! She also asked us if we knew of some other gals, some of whom we knew, some of whom we didnt... but all in all we had a really gd time catching up!!!
And to top it off, my teacher might be having a gathering with the other school teachers whom we still remember fondly... really can't wait for that!!! Must definitely bring our year books and class photos along :)
Saturday, March 07, 2009
Absence from Blogging
came n gone... 1st year of giving angpaos but my relatives still gave us so in e end thnx to Daddy's ang pao, we earned more than we lost haha! But losses will be mitagated lah coz my mum's side will still give us hee hee :) CNY was also a gd time of catching up; missed 1 w the PA pp (coz I was sick n for the past few times i am always falling sick as the date draws near... maybe i m allergic to them haha) but had a mini ktv session w a couple of them. Met up w my SC frenz too! Wanted 2 lo hei but coz it towards the tail end of CNY n we cldn't decide, it ended up being juz a dinner & chit chat session instead. Oh n also went 2 Shan's hse w QX n DH. Had a nice time catching up although Qixia had 2 leave early... met them again for steamboat abt last wk; we had Mala Huoguo and they requested for more chilli 2 be added coz the soup was 2 bland... n DH ended up with diarrohea e next day! It was hilarious!!!
yayee... the end of the proj is FINALLY in sight!!! Haf been horribly harressed by my boss (who also went 2 harress other dept... really felt q bad for them) who was juz so unreasonable!!! Hafta a lashing by her last Thurs (which was by no fault of mine) really felt like quitting!!! I can only look forward 2 e end of e proj whereby hopefully i will report under my own supervisor n not directly under her anymore! Soon... all my hair will b torn out by me! haha... Hope that the mkt gets beta as well... thnk shd lk 4 a new job coz my current position is not value-adding @ all haiks! N the new batch of temp boy staff in my off now... really *shake head* My colleague n I gota cover for them & they just climb all over our head! Tell them not 2 do certain thngs coz then my boss will scold us but they juz heck care n do. N this particular staff, went on leave n claimed that he told me but I said otherwise (he told my boss he told me liao when he didnt cfm w me!!!) n told my colleague that he was rude 2 her coz she was rude 2 him! I was like HUH??? n get this, coz he is not going to stardee or anything, he hopes to temp @ our dept for a LOOONG time. I have only this to say: GET LOST! :p n juz received new that there will b no pay increase this year... SOB!!! n i dun thnk i will haf v high bonus either coz my ex boss didnt write a gd appraisel for me... *bleach*
my 1 day "excursions" 2 JB has stopped... coz been bz w proj n so cant really take leave. But we did drive in the other nite for lok lok n Dar has been getting me my yakult (althouh he always drinks when he comes over hmmph!) He also went Macau the week b4 CNY but we will be goin 2gether in 2 weeks time w his mum/aunt/sis & SIL. I can't wait for the break man!!! Away fr off... n i thnk my boss will b away e wk b4 me so that'll make 2 wks of not seeing her hee! Well she can b q nice @ times lah.. juz dat... u know... n e best thng is... I'm booked for Maldives!!! YIPEE YAYEE!!! we will b staying @ Club Med, full board n inclusive of everything for 1500+ =))) I m so excited!!! only thng is Dar wun b goin w me... but I m sure i will haf a lot of fun w my gfs! Can't wait!!!
I thnk i need 2 get more tutees... my previous tutess have since graduated n i m almost always bored on wkends :( which ends up in me always bothering dar n sparkling off unneccesary quarrels heh. I m also wondering if I shd take up this advance dip on pte banking offered by my bank. Gotta study twice a week, 1 wkday n 1 wkend (but i thnk e wkday gota take leave) n there is no binding contract. My colleague who is taking it now asked me to go for it coz she says it is q ez 2 pass de. I m debating coz it doesn't sound that ez but @ the same time I thnk it will be gd for me... haiks... dilemma hee. Oh n i finally watched a movie in Sin after donkey months... n it was Slumdog!!! It was really gd... thot it was diff fr other shows n i was saddened by the proverty. N I thot that the slums were gone, until I read in the newspapers that the child actors/actresses still lived in those make-shift tent areas... wow... we really gota count our blessings man!
n so... how's everyone been? I noticed that most pp haf stopped blogging le... hee...
Sunday, January 18, 2009
I wonder...
Went in abt 11plus after much dilly dallying and Dar first went to check out some 4x4 shops as he wanted to get an extra tyre or something for Baby V. We then had lunch @ this coffee shop just around the corner; I ordered claypot mee and Dar ordered dry Ban Mian and the total cost was like 8RM!!! The food was q tasty too!!! En route to buy MIL's rojak supplies, we stopped @ The Store. There Dar bought those plain white shirts that he has been looking for for working on his boat @ 10RM per piece. I wanted 2 buy a top n pants but they didn't have my size but I did buy 2 pairs of shoes @ 45RM altogether!!! The uncle wanted 2 give me back extra 10RM but I was v honest haha :P As usual, Dar complained that I am forever buying shoes but hey they were cheap mahs!
MIL needed pineapples but the pineapples were all sold out!!! Thnk it was coz everyone bought to make pineapple tarts bah, but he managed to get the other stuff MIL wanted. Then it was off to wash the car n then to City Square. We wanted to watch Red Cliff but it wasn't showing yet so we decided to watch Ip Man instead. As we kept thnking that Tues was their Movie Day, so imagine our surprise when the bill for both tickets came up to 13RM!!! It was only after the movie that we realised that they've changed their Movie Day to Wed hee. After the movie, we decided to walk ard a bit and went to the Padini Store where Dar bought q a bit of clothes but which were all on sale. I myself got a top for like 20+RM... wld haf gotten more but they only had 3 colours and the other 2 colours were rather dull. By the time we left the shop, it was already 9plus (n we wanted 2 go back @ like 6+ lors!) and we were debating whether to wait till 10 to eat lok lok or to eat @ the rest. But sleepy was kinda tired and so we decided to try our luck @ Sushi King so as to utilise our voucher as well. Luckily they were not closed yet and me ordered udon whilst Dar ordered a Eel rice and soba set. After our 10RM voucher, total bill was like 20+RM :)))
Looks like everything was pretty cheap rites? But I thnk we spent q a bit of money on shopping as well (oh i forgot 2 mention I bought 2 tops fr this other shop hee) so I guess in e end the effect is netted off bahs. Told Dar e next time we go in... I wana go 2 e new mall Danga Bay. Heard it is a super HUGE shopping centre! Till then then :)
New KTV Joint
This 10 dollar place is rite smack in the middle of Chinatown; yep rite in the middle of the CNY bazzar that is going on now. It wasn't that difficult to find, and a narrow, rickety flight of steps led me up to the main reception. Thot the pp there, though bz were rather frenly; they even changed us to a bigger room when they realised we had more pp and thus it was q squeezy in the little room.
Hmm, my verdict, I definitely liked it a lot beta than Top One!!! The number 1 plus point gota be that 10 club didn't have any smoke smell!!!(n i only realised it when I went home!!!) unlike most other KTV joints that I have been to, u r suffocated by the smoke smell upon entry and it leaves the distateful smell on ur clothes and bag after u have left. The songs were updated and if u wanted to key in songs, u cld either use the remote control or it has a touch-screen. UNLIKE Top-One where one had to physically sit infront of the comp to choose ur songs; yep there was NO remote control which was somehing I totally cldn't understand :P Both places had free flow of drinks and yep the drinks were q diluted, but I preferred 10 club coz Top-One was juz like a little syrup mixed with a lot of water n it actually tasted q horrid whereas I cld still taste my honey @ 10 club. Of coz the shark's fin didnt really haf any shark's fin (or maybe I didn't taste any n cldn't see in the dark :P) but it was edible and @ least they were mushrooms so not that bad lah. My only complaint was that the sound wasn't exactly sound-proofed so u cld hear other pp singing in between songs.
But I do thnk it is definitely value for money; they dun charge u extra for those tidbits and the hand towels n @ #11+ per person, it is really worth it. Peeps, let's go there for our K-session next time! :)