Sunday, July 22, 2007
Free Meal
We got there later than them & by then they had ordered the food & we juz had 2 tuck in haha. The food was really q tasty but a tad 2 spicy for sleepy's liking. However the fish in the fish head curry we ordered didn't seem fresh. Me & the other guy didn't really sense anything but Dar & his fren said that the fish was v smelly. Hence we asked the waiter over & told him about it, but he attributed it to the spices put in. Dar's fren then requested for the boss to take a look. (who took such a lg time in coming gosh!!! by the time he came we had already finished our meal!) Though he promptly took the fish away to the kitchen, he came back a minute later telling us that "we should have told him earlier then he can charge us half price" as he claimed that we had already eaten half the fish but we DIDN'T!!! Dar only took a small piece for me n himself & the other guy also only took a small piece!!! Dar's fren then pointed to all our banana leaves n told him that we only took a little as it was evident that there were no fish bones on our banana leaves. She then asked him to cancel the order as they were all too full to eat.
As we were leaving the table, the boss apparantly said v loudly "FREE MEAL! FREE MEAL!!" n the guy who was holding the small piece of paper realised that "Free Meal" was written on the paper and asked the boss about it. (I was walking in front so I didn't hear him shout that but Dar was saying that it was v obvious that he said it loudly for the other cx to hear!) The boss then told the guy fren this, "Since U can't appreciate the meal then it is Free. N if u cant appreciate the meal then phish (signal hand to indicate we shd leave)". My goodness!!! I mean how do U expect us to eat the curry when the fish was B-A-D??? N the fren did tell him that the curry was gd, it was the fish that was BAD!!! Added to that, we tried to tell the lady @ the counter that we would pay for everything and she rudely brushed us off saying that the boss said NO!!! So we left lah!!! What bad service n attitude n arrogance!!! But whatever... we got a Free Meal haha!
& toking about arrogance, was @ this nice dessert store @ Temple Street ystd when I almost witnessed a fight. I was sooo engrossed in my novel that I didn't know what hap until I heard a lady shout "why did u hit his head? I'm goin to call the police!". Apparently this is what hap; Guy A was going back to his seat from the toilet when Guy B apparently hit him on the back/waist area, Guy A then retaliated by hitting the guy's head. & Guy A was still q yaya about it coz after he sat down for like 3-5 min, he again went to confront Guy B asking him why he hit him. He felt that it couldn't be accidental as he claimed it was a hard hit & if it was accidental, then Guy B should have apologised to him which Guy B didn't. When the staff of the shop tried to intervene, he even hit Guy B back on the back to show the staff where Guy B hit him!!! Gosh!!! I am surprsied that Guy B didn't blow up or something. U cld tell that everyone in the shop was q tense n there was this couple who left immediately.
What a day wasn't it??? But i ain't complaining about my free meal!!! Dar was telling the fren, "wah really v cheap hor... it's free!!! haha! :P
Friday, July 20, 2007
Forgetful Sleepy
Did tell my boss to take out the sup card for me in the am but she forgot & my tellers were calling me for overidding so bo bian called Daddy. n he was sooooooooooo nice!!! Although he wasn't going out, he offered to bring me the cards!!! I love my Daddy!!! He's the best!!! *muaks*
N of coz me got kena "accused" for "abusing" my dad :P
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Yeah n coz Dar is superstitious... which is partly why we haven't decided on the date for the dinner as we wanted to consult the geomancer/fortune teller first... anyone has any lobangs???

... watched the infamous Simon Cabaret show...
Drove past various beaches & then to Promethepe Cape intending to catch the sunset but it was raining :(
Drank Pina Colada from a coconut @ this quaint eating place situated ard Kata...
& we went elephant trekking & got bitten by lotsa mosquitoes!!! :P
The elephant was really smart; could totally understand the guide's instruction whether to turn left, turn rite or to lower its head for the guide to come off!!! Dar & I were both amused & impressed!!!
It was also q an adventurous trip as we rented a jeep & then a scooter to get around. Check out the jeep... only 1.3L... almost couldn't make it up the hills as we drove from place to place.
Went around the markets q a bit & it was amazing @ how high the stall owners would quote u n wat we end up paying!!! I bought this top that the gal wanted to sell me @ 1200 bht but in the end I only paid 350 bht for it!!! But some of the stall owners who were originally from N were q pissed that we were always cutting the price and they made comments about us in their language once our backs were turned but we were not far enough for them not to be heard. As Dar commented, they can't really blame us for giving them such a low price coz they did ask us how much we were willing to pay & they were the ones who quoted such a high price intially mah.
But all in all, it was q a fun & relaxed trip... first together as a couple... & we got a rather big room as we told them we were on honeymoon hee hee! Got bathtub & shower place plus a small balcony inside the room :) *pleased*
Reflections on my Special Day - Part 2
PS: might put up e video once i fig out how 2 link to youtube. if not will give u all the link to whereva i can upload the video :P
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Reflections on my Special Day
Me reached @ ard 11 with the makeup artist and she started dolling me up. In the meantime, Dar & his best fren Clifford arranged the chairs and the other necessary setup. By the time I was ready, (Dar got his hair styled as well and his hair was full of glitter as requested by me & Clifford urged the make-up artist to put more haha) it was already 130pm!!! Wanted to go out together with Clifford & the makeup artist for lunch but we still have yet to reherse so they went off wout us whilst we practise our walk-in. In the midst of which, Dad arrived w my china relatives but to my dismay, he didn't bring Granny along. Wanted to go back to fetch her but as she was feeling giddy, she decided to rest @ home.
By then, guests have started arriving & they were asked to sign these little cards that I printed out. I must say they were really q nice coz the paper I bought was a bit shiny *beams* However we still could not start as the management somehow misplaced the pins which are to be used to pin the skirting together. It was actually rather confusing coz we had the idea that someone was going out to get the pins but it just never came... in the end, they used staples or something & finally everyone could gather around the brite & cheery tentage :)
Happily Ever After...
Saturday, July 07, 2007
7th July 2007 --- 070707
M mighty excited!!! Actually woke up @ 5 plus this am but luckily can go back to sleep. Woke up again @ almost 8 with butterflies in my stomach and till now they have not settled down. Was worried that I'll have puffy eyes and pimple scars this morning but thankfully they lked q alrite *whew*
Gota go now... chauffeur's already on the way... stay tuned for more!!!
PS: Thanks to all friends for your congratulations... sorry cldn't invite everyone as we are keeping it small but your well-wishes are much appreciated. *hugz*
Friday, July 06, 2007
1 More Day to Go...
Went 2 pray mummy this am; been meaning to do it for q a while already but everytime when I am off, seems like there are just so many things to do and I forget *guilty* Was pondering whether to go today being so close to the ceremony tomorow but as it is also her birthday, Dar said to just go today. Always thought it was q kewl that my parent's birthdays are 3 days apart... ha... now Dar & I too!!! But just 1 day apart hee hee. & mine is b4 his; when I was younger & had more creative juices flowing, I used to make birthday cards for Mummy; when Daddy asked how come he doesnt have, my reply would always be that I am too tired to make another one after finishing the first one. So the "benefits" of having your birthday come earlier :P Really wish Mummy is ard to witness the start of this important chapter in my life... but wherever she is, I know she is giving us her blessings.
Afterwhich we went 2 get our certs which was really crowded!!! Read in e papers that there were 772 couples who registered but the staff who attended to us told us that there are 777 couples or more! Wow!!! Coincidentally we met Dar's friend who are also having their ceremony tomorrow... and guess what? Their ceremony is just kinda across the road from ours!!! (Their's is held @ Botanical Gardens whilst ours is @ Dempsey). And whilst we were there, we saw some "strange" couples that might be getting married for the sake of getting their PR.
As of now... more or less everything is settled. Had a bit of disagreement @ the rest just now & I was kinda pissed but matter has been resolved. Now... just gota prepare all the stuff to be brought tomorrow and throw them all in2 1 bag for ez carrying. May it be a brite & sunny day tomorrow!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Getting Excited!!!

"Last Minute"... Not lors!
But I m not v pleased coz my colleagues have been told that my this week of leave is "last minute" which is NOT lors!!! See... I was sup to go on leave on 11th June but I asked her if I could take off instead coz I wana take leave next week. She agreed mah!!! Thing is, for some strange reason, too many pp wana take off on 9th July. Was having lunch w some of my colleagues ystd (which was mighty fun!!!) & 1 of my colleague was asking how come dat day is so hot... 什么大日子?I promptly replied "My dad's birthday!!!" haha. :P
Saga Ends...
However I am still not happy about the service & am still debating whether to pursue the matter any further. The TA is damn lucky coz I have so much on my platter now that I hafn't really given much thot about my further course of action. I am rather disappointed coz I was all prepared to bring the matter up to CASE and now I don't have a chance to. See, I have written to SQ to ask them to waive the charges but SQ has denied that they charged anything to us! During our conversation with GM S, he anticipated that we wanted or had written to SQ and told us that thought SQ customer service may tell us that they (SQ) did not charge the agent, but reservations side would have charged the agent. However I beg to differ as I believe that the gal who answered my emails from SQ did ask reservations side about the charges. Further to that, she did help us to call the travel but was told that they are not able to reveal anything to her as she was not the customer. I also wanted to write a letter to an even higher authority than GM S regardless of the outcome of the case to complain about Manager K but i am pretty sure that the letter would be duely intercepted and conveniently ignored. Hence I am v "buay gum guan" coz I am not satisfied to let Manager K off juz like dat!
So what do u all thnk? Shd I or shdn't I write to the boss???