Saturday, July 07, 2007

7th July 2007 --- 070707

My Special day today!!! Woke up to heavy rain this am & was q worried but thankfully the wind has stopped blowing and though there's still intermittant light rain, hopefully it will clear by 1pm laters *keep fingers crossed*

M mighty excited!!! Actually woke up @ 5 plus this am but luckily can go back to sleep. Woke up again @ almost 8 with butterflies in my stomach and till now they have not settled down. Was worried that I'll have puffy eyes and pimple scars this morning but thankfully they lked q alrite *whew*

Gota go now... chauffeur's already on the way... stay tuned for more!!!

PS: Thanks to all friends for your congratulations... sorry cldn't invite everyone as we are keeping it small but your well-wishes are much appreciated. *hugz*

1 comment:

Tibetan Nun said...

Quick ! Load your photos !